26 January 2010

Poop and Dreams

Andora isn't doing too well today: she hardly ate, though she has no fever. So while she rested, we spent the better part of this warm, beautiful January day in heaping mounds of shit. The farmers trucked in three loads of horse manure to dump and mix with leaves for the coming vegetable season. Following that, we started cleaning the goat barns and, let me tell you, goat excrement is pungent! Good for the muscles, not for the nose.

I've started compiling a list of dairy goat farms to contact about interning. I'd like to be experienced in certified cheese making as well as goat husbandry. I dream of owning my own land.

1 comment:

TheShineNSB said...

I'd like to meet your goat buddies! I remember milking a cow when I was a kid--I think it was part of a school field trip, or maybe a fair. Hey, are there any major fairs out here? WA has the Puyallup Fair in September, and a (slightly) smaller Spring Fair in April. I'd love to travel back west to "Do The Puyallup." Man, for the first time in forever, I feel a smidge homesick.